Your Story, Our Mission
Pages 2 Profit Publishing
Pages 2 Profit Publishing assists authors wiith navigating the complex processes that major publishing companies take to achieve best practices and outcomes for their authors.
- The Challenge: Navigating the publishing world feels like wandering through a maze.
- The Guide: Pages 2 Profit Publishing steps in as your ally.
- The Plan: Equip you with clear, actionable steps to bring your book to life.
- The Success: Your book reaches readers’ hands, exactly as you envisioned.
- The Transformation: From aspiring author to published success.
Why Pages 2 Profit?
Fresh Perspective: Launched in 2023, we bring a new vision to publishing. We combine innovation with a desire to fill the gaps in traditional publishing paths.
Direct Support: Inspired by firsthand experiences at the Black Dot Cultural Center, we understand the challenge of getting self-published books into wider distribution beyond major online retailers.
Tailored Services: Offering a suite of personalized services including writing workshops, strategic marketing, editing, captivating design, precise formatting, and dedicated publishing support—all designed to elevate your book from manuscript to masterpiece.
What is Pages 2 Profit
- The Gap: Identifying a critical need, we found aspiring authors lacked guidance in global distribution. Despite enthusiasm, nearly 70% of self-published books remained invisible on major platforms. This revelation sparked Pages 2 Profit Publishing, bridging the gap to ensure authors’ works resonate globally.
- Search: Explore our database of over 17 million titles across various channels.
- The Solution: Pages 2 Profit began with a Stonecrest seminar in partnership with DeKalb County Library.
- Responsive Growth: Authors sought a champion and publishing partner. Pages 2 Profit evolved to meet demand.
- The Outcome: Empowered authors form a successful publishing community.”
Join Us – Be Part of the Success: Let’s turn your dream into reality
Embark on your publishing journey with confidence.